International rail travel has been banned since March 14th, as part of the measures against the spread of coronavirus. This...
JoinedSeptember 24, 2018
A writer and English teacher originally from London who has lived in Brno since 2011, interested in politics, low culture, and all things strange and/or Czech.
On Monday only 41 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infection were reported in the Czech Republic, out of 7,667 tests...
The Ministry of Health has given four Czech hospitals clearance to administer the experimental drug Remdesivir to Covid-19 patients, including...
On Sunday evening, four units from Brno Fire Service responded to a fire in a residential apartment building on Jugoslávská....
At a meeting on Tuesday, members of Brno City Assembly approved a wide range of measures in response to the...
Shortly after the ruling, the government announced an end to the restrictions on free movement, opened the borders, and moved...
Most of the offences involved citizens not wearing masks, and were solved with a polite request from officers. Police also...
The 72-year-old senior citizen was outraged that his neighbour’s plants were encroaching into his garden, and police were called as...
The National Pandemic Alarm survey, carried out by European National Panels, asked citizens in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary...
Italy was the first country in Europe to feel the full force of the coronavirus pandemic, and has recorded more...
Brno City Council has updated opening hours for municipal offices from Monday, April 20th. However, citizens are asked to restrict...
On Thursday, Brno City Councillors discussed the situation regarding the reopening of kindergartens and children’s groups. Private kindergartens will be...