More than half of Czechs disagree with the suspension of US military aid to Ukraine ordered by President Donald Trump, while one-third of Czechs agree with the decision, according to a survey conducted by NMS Market Research for and released today.
According to the poll, support for the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the Czech Republic also jumped by 11 percentage points to 43% after his row with Trump in Washington on Friday. Now 43% of respondents expressed support for Zelenskiy.
Some 51.8% of respondents disagree with the interruption of US military support, while 34.4% agree. Less than 14% of respondents answered that they did not know or could not judge the matter.
Young people and voters of the ruling parties were more likely to oppose the disruption of military supplies. In the 18 to 24 age group, about 60% of respondents expressed disapproval, while among voters of the governing Spolu coalition it was about 71% and of the Mayors and Independents (STAN) voters over 75%. In contrast, a majority of opposition ANO voters (55%) support Trump’s decision.
The poll also looked at how support for the two leaders has changed since Friday’s events at the White House. “In the wake of the rift, we are seeing a jump in confidence in Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. General support for Donald Trump remained the same,” said NMS Market Research analyst Theresa Friedrichova.
Some 28% of Czechs trusted Trump, up 1 percentage point month-on-month. Zelenskiy is especially trusted by voters of the government coalition parties and residents of Prague. Trump is trusted especially by voters of the populist Stacilo! and the far-right Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD), and also has the support of over half the voters of the Motorists.
The online survey was conducted among 1,049 adult respondents on 4-5 March.