If someone asked, “How many multinational companies do you know in Brno?” undoubtedly, many of us could name over 20....
Wednesday saw the opening of Mendel University’s two-day international conference on ‘Current Issues in Viticulture and Grape-Breeding’, hosted by the...
South Moravia maintained its position as one of the most sought-after destinations in the Czech Republic during the second quarter...
The popular Brno Day celebrations, commemorating the famous victory of Brno’s defenders over Swedish troops in 1645, will take place...
Yesterday, representatives of the South Moravian Region, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Sports Studies of Masaryk University,...
TIC BRNO is more than an information centre. As well as actively promoting tourism and running services for tourists, it...
A trio of water buffalos was released last week in the Central Reservoir of the Nová Mlýna Water Works, to...
Yesterday morning, South Moravian Governor Jan Grolich signed a memorandum of cooperation on an energy community project to coordinate the...
Construction work at the Pálava Sanatorium was formally launched on Monday with the tapping of the project’s foundation stone, in...
The South Moravian Road Administration and Maintenance Agency is launching a new map application that will provide the public with...
The City of Brno, in cooperation with Czechitas and the artificial intelligence platform Brno.AI, is organising #HackujBrno, a hackathon challenge...
With the end of the tourist season, many of the caves of the Moravian Karst were closed to protect hibernating...