After the destruction of Na Zahájce park in the South Moravian village of Hrušky by a tornado in June 2021,...
On 19 October, Křtiny Arboretum, the forest school enterprise run by Mendel University, will host its traditional autumn open day,...
Conservationists categorise many species in the Czech Republic as invasive, Tomas Gorner, of the Czech Nature Conservation Agency, told CTK,...
After decades of absence, moose have reappeared in the Czech part of the Krkonose Mountains. Krkonose National Park (KRNAP) spokesman...
The Friends of the Earth environmental movement yesterday presented representatives of the Agriculture Ministry with a petition for a change...
The prestigious title of Plant of the Year 2024 has been awarded to the Siberian iris (Iris sibirica) by the...
Zatec has been seeking to be added to the list since 2007. Photo: The Temple of Hops and Beer, Zatec....
The meadow is a very popular springtime attraction for Brno residents, due to the blooming purple koniklece flowers. Photo credit:...
Brno Zoo will be celebrating Science Day for the 11th time. Photo credit: Brno Zoo. Brno, Apr 27 (BD) –...
Greenpeace called on the government to ensure the protection of natural resources. Photo: Freepik. Prague, April 13 (CTK) – The...
Tourists will again be able to use routes in Josefovske udoli in the Moravian Karst and the Karel Morávek Walk....
Wolves are now living all over Europe, including some densely populated areas such as Italy and Germany. Photo credit: Freepik....