The acclaimed director, whose “Closely Watched Trains” won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 1967, was also known...
JoinedSeptember 24, 2018
A writer and English teacher originally from London who has lived in Brno since 2011, interested in politics, low culture, and all things strange and/or Czech.
The parks and squares of Brno city centre are lively with the fine weather, and various events are taking place,...
Repair and reconstruction work on Lužánecká, which runs the length of Brno’s Lužánky Park on the city side, has been...
Marian Kočner and Alena Zsuzsová were acquitted yesterday morning of charges related to the 2018 murder of investigative journalist Jan...
Brno residents who want to greenify the courtyards of their apartment buildings or provide ecological education, or who have ideas...
Due to the renowned Brno novelist’s famously fraught relationship with his home country, no new works have been released in...
Speaking in Germany, Wang Yi, the Chinese government’s most senior diplomat, said that Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil would pay...
The holiday closures of tram lines on Veveří and Nové Sady will finish tomorrow, and passengers can look forward to...
Elections are taking place on October 2nd-3rd for one third of the seats in the Czech Senate, including the #60...
The report, from Brno-based campaign group Nesehnutí, analysed the procedures used by Regional Trade Licensing Authorities (KŽÚ) to evaluate sexism...
As of 5am on Saturday morning, anyone arriving in the UK from the Czech Republic will be required to undergo...
Lužánecká, which runs the length of Brno’s Luzanky Park on the city side, has been under reconstruction since June 2019....