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Czech Republic Sees Record High Temperatures For Six Consecutive Days

The Czech Republic experienced record high temperatures for March for the sixth day in a row yesterday, exceeding 20 degrees Celsius in some places. The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMU) reported on Facebook that 47% of long-term measuring stations registered record highs.

The highest temperature of 20.6 degrees Celsius was measured in Dyjakovice, south Moravia, CHMU said.

The record-breaking warm weather for March ended yesterday, and the Czech Republic will gradually start to cool down from today.

Temperatures in most places climbed to 15 to 19 degrees Celsius yesterday, exceeding 19 degrees in Moravia and Silesia. “Record high temperatures were recorded at 47% of stations measuring temperature for at least 30 years, including 12 measuring it for more than 80 years,” CHMU said. In addition to Straznice, south Moravia, these included stations in Pardubice, Cheb, and Liberec.

Temperatures in the Czech Republic have exceeded 20 degrees Celsius since the middle of last week, with many stations setting temperature records.

However, the weather will get colder as from today, and meteorologists are expecting occasional rain and snow in the mountains this week. At the end of the week, it could even freeze again at night, with temperatures not exceeding 10 degrees Celsius over the weekend.

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