MENDELU Faculty of Horticulture Commemorates Life and Work of Professor Vilém Kraus 

Wednesday saw the opening of Mendel University’s two-day international conference on ‘Current Issues in Viticulture and Grape-Breeding’, hosted by the Faculty of Horticulture in Lednice. 

Much of the conference was dedicated to the memory and legacy of Professor Vilém Kraus, celebrating 100 years since his birth. Kraus was responsible for important contributions to the development of Czech and Slovak viticulture, and authored varieties of Cerason, Rubinet, Erilon and Neronet wines, for which the region is now famous. 

Throughout his career, Kraus focused mainly on agricultural techniques and the physiology of vine bushes, but also made significant contributions to the breeding of grape varieties which were resistant to fungal diseases and thus able to grow in organic conditions, with minimal use of pesticides.  

Following his studies at the Czech Technical University in Prague and Brno’s University of Agriculture, Kraus worked as a breeder and technologist before teaching at the Faculty of Horticulture in Lednice from 1964 onwards. 

He was later appointed professor of viticulture and published a number of books and articles, as well as organising talks by foreign wine experts for Czech audiences. On international visits, Kraus employed his knowledge of German, French, and Russian to translate and interpret lectures. He died in 2013 at the age of 89.

In mid-September, the faculty at Lednice plans to unveil a statue of Professor Kraus as part of the anniversary celebrations, in addition to the many accolades Kraus was awarded during his lifetime – including the Medal for Merit to the State in the Field of Science in 2004. 

As well as celebrating Professor Kraus’s achievements, the conference also aimed at bringing together a range of experts from Slovakia, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Hungary to discuss contemporary issues in viticulture and grape breeding.

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