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Spolu Coalition Wins School European Parliament Elections, Ahead of Prisaha

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The Spolu coalition (ODS, KDU-CSL, TOP 09) won a mock European Parliament election held among high school students with 15.2% of the vote, according to People in Need, who organised the election.

Five years ago, the Pirates topped the poll among high students, but this time came third behind the coalition of the populist party Prisaha (‘The Oath’) and the single-issue Motorists Party. A total of 22,880 students from 265 secondary schools of various types took part.

Spolu received 3,472 student votes, followed by Prisaha and Motorists with 3,250 (14.2%) and the Pirates at 2,657 (11.6%).

The largest number of votes were cast by students in Prague (4,016), followed by Moravia-Silesia (3,249), Central Bohemia (3,097), South Moravia (2,443) and Usti nad Labem (2,294).

The European Parliament elections will take place in the Czech Republic on 7-8 June. The Czech Republic has 21 seats. The largest party in the last election five years ago was ANO, which won six seats. The Civic Democratic Party (ODS) is defending four seats, and the Pirates three, the same as the former coalition of Mayors and Independents (STAN) and TOP 09. Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) and the Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) have two MEPs each, and the Communists one.

Number of student votes and vote share for the top ten EP election lists:

Political entityPercentage of votesTotal number of votes
Prisaha and Motorists14.23250
Mayors and Personalities for Europe9.072076
A Better EU With Aliens6.151407
A Better Life for the People6.081390
Democratic Green Party – For Animal Rights4.551040
Green Party4.03922
Seniors for Themselves2.66608

Source: People in Need

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