Tourists Throw Snowballs From Hotel Window in Brno

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A few hotel guests had a specific idea of winter fun on Saturday night. An employee of a security agency guarding one of Brno’s main squares called the City Police, who intervened to resolve the situation. Photo: For illustration purposes / KK Brno Daily.

Brno, Dec 7 (BD) – Two guests of a city centre hotel made balls from freshly fallen snow and threw them out the window at the closed Christmas stands. They also hit a plastic board and broke it. Security guards estimated the damage at about a CZK 1,000. 

The police arrived at the hotel to talk with two men aged 28 and 25. “The men confessed to their reckless conduct in the presence of police,” said Markéta Skřivánková, a spokeswoman for Brno police. However, police could not determine which of the men broke the sign. 

Nonetheless, the men expressed regret for their actions and reimbursed the damage without hesitation. “They also promised not to do anything like that again,” added Skřivánková. 

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