This weekend’s Serial Killer Festival in Brno was a great success. The murder mystery series had the audience on the...
The Serial Killer Festival will be hosted at the Goose on a String Theatre from today until Sunday 27th. Gripping...
On Tuesday, September 29th, all expats who are seeking new job opportunities and wondering what the Czech Republic and its...
The Serial Killer festival will bring nail-biting stories of murder and mystery to the big-screen in Brno, with online access...
WHERE to go in Brno in September? The new edition of the cultural magazine KAM v Brně (WHERE in Brno),...
Lužánecká, which runs the length of Brno’s Luzanky Park on the city side, has been under reconstruction since June 2019....
Following a popular stint in the park outside the Brno Observatory earlier this summer, the Terralona – a 10-metre diameter...
Radio and Juliet will combine Shakespeare, Radiohead and ballet on Aug. 8, 9 and 10 in Mahen Theatre. Photo Credit:...
To celebrate 100 years of friendly Czech-Brazilian diplomatic relations, the first Brazilian carnival will be held in the Czech Republic,...
In its 5th year, Brno city center’s largest open-air festival is responding to the unpredictable circumstances of the pandemic by...
From July 6th-12th, a unique ‘Terralóna’, an inflatable realistic Earth, will be open for explorers at Brno Observatory. The Observatory...
In order to revive the city centre and attract both tourists and residents, Brno City Council is planning to turn...