Flood damage in South Moravia on Saturday. Credit: HZS JMK

Flood Victims To Receive State Childcare and Housing Aid

Those who were seriously affected by this year’s floods will receive extraordinary financial aid from the state for childcare and housing, as approved unanimously today by the Chamber of Deputies in an accelerated legislative process used in emergency situations.

The Senate will now consider the legislation and vote on it next week, also in an accelerated mode. The measure is due to come into force on the date of its publication in the Collection of Laws, probably in November.

The law envisages that parents would be entitled to childcare benefits for children up to the age of 10 for the entire period of closure of their flooded school, until the end of March if necessary. Flooded households would have their housing paid for by the Labour Office up to certain amounts in the form of an emergency assistance benefit until the end of next year.

The draft also additionally sets out the rules for emergency assistance to those immediately affected by the flooding, especially in the Moravia-Silesia and Olomouc regions. It is possible to provide them with up to CZK 72,900, i.e. 15 times the minimum subsistence level. Poorer households can receive up to CZK 97,200, i.e. up to 20 times the minimum subsistence level.

According to Iva Merhautova, head of the Labour Ministry’s benefits section, the amount could double to CZK 194,000 in the event of serious events.

Flood victims in material distress could receive an extraordinary benefit to cover temporary alternative accommodation, available to those whose housing is uninhabitable and has to be repaired or demolished. They could receive it until the repairs are completed or a new flat is acquired, at the latest by the end of next year.

The Labour Office would provide one person with up to CZK 15,000 per month, two people with up to CZK 18,000, three people with up to CZK 21,000 and four or more people with up to CZK 24,000. It would be necessary to provide proof of emergency accommodation and costs and other requirements.

Nursing allowance is normally paid from the sickness insurance for children up to 10 years of age for nine days and for single mothers up to 16 days. The caregiver receives 60% of their reduced earnings.

Caregivers could take turns at home with their offspring, even multiple times. They would not have to show proof of school closure, a declaration would suffice.

Expenditure on flood treatment could amount to CZK 350 million.

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