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Planting For The Future: Almost 500 New Trees Will Be Planted In South Moravia This Year

Six projects from the South Moravian region were successful in applying for a grant for the privilege and maintenance of tree lines, provided by the KB Pension Company. In total, these projects will see almost 500 new trees planted in the region. In cooperation with the Partnership Foundation, KB Pensions releases funding for tree planting every year for the Sázíme Budoucnost (‘We are planting for the future’) grant program. This year, the funding is almost CZK 1.7 million.

KB Pensions got involved in Sázíme Budoucnost three years ago, according to board member Jana Petrovská. Over those three years, KB Pensions and the KB Foundation have donated more than CZK 5 million for the restoration of the Czech landscape by planting trees and shrubs.

In the past two years, the program has funded the planting of 1,748 trees and bushes in the countryside. This year it will fund another 828, of which 483 will be in the South Moravian region. 

“We realise that landscape care deserves the same attention as reducing the carbon footprint or recycling waste,” added Petrovská. “In addition, we support the local communities who subsequently take care of the trees. We ourselves also get involved in planting.”

New trees in South Moravia

Six projects were successful in the South Moravian Region this year:

  • Ladenská, second phase. Applicant: Ardea Břeclav and hnuti Brontosaurus, 51 trees
  • Renewal of the tree line by the dirt road in the village of Dlouhá Lhota. Applicant: Association for Agro-horticulture, 160 trees
  • “Plant for joy and with joy”. Applicant: Society for the Family, 20 trees and 20 bushes
  • Tree row on the edge of the municipality of Křižanovice. Applicant: municipality of Křižanovice, 38 trees
  • Planting a row of trees along a field road in the Vršky local line. Applicant: village of Rohozec, 91 trees
  • Green network for Olešnice. Applicant: City of Olešnice, 103 trees

The Sázíme Budoucnost grant program focuses on increasing the resilience of the landscape through tree planting and landscaping projects that improve water retention and prevent soil erosion. Another goal is to support local residents in their efforts to take care of their immediate surroundings and the environment in general. These projects also include close-to-nature modifications of small watercourses, wells and springs in the vicinity of tree lines, and elements to make visiting these areas more pleasant, such as benches and information panels. 

Grants of up to CZK 250,000 are available to associations, institutes, public benefit societies, church legal entities, contributory organisations, owners’ associations of unit owners, cooperatives, foundations and endowment funds, schools, municipalities, and groups of municipalities.

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