Amigos do Pagode 90 Bring The Spirit of Brazilian Samba To Brno’s Former Prison

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Amigos do Pagode 90 in Budapest earlier this month. Credit: Amigos do Pagode 90.  

Brno, 27 Sep (BD) – This Saturday, 30 September, Brno-based samba collective Amigos do Pagode 90 will return to Káznice, the former prison on Cejl, for their semi-regular Roda de Samba party. 

The Brazilian party spirit will be reinforced with live Forró music and a workshop from Forró Aboborá, as well as the true taste of Brazil, in the form of a barbecue grill and Brazil’s favourite drink, the iconic ‘caipirinha’.

Fresh from a hit concert in Budapest earlier this month, Amigos do Pagode 90 will keep the crowd dancing late into the night, with the Brazilian classics of Funk Pancadão, Sertanejo, and Axé during the breaks, and a bar and vegan snacks courtesy of Café In The Ghetto.

Entry to the party is 80 crowns.

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