City of Prague To Invest Over CZK 21 Million In Technologies To Manage Crisis Situations

Prague is making preparations for crisis situations like the large-scale floods of 2013 (pictured). Credit:

Prague, June 5 (BD) – Prague City Council has agreed on investments in crisis warning systems and modernization of the existing equipment of volunteer firefighters. Around CZK 21 million will go towards the construction of municipal information systems, the purchase of radio equipment and cars for volunteer fire brigade units, and an operational management system for floods, among other things. These steps will help the capital manage emergency or crisis situations within its territory.

At Monday’s meeting, Prague councillors decided on investments in crisis infrastructure and equipment used by volunteer firefighters. CZK 10.64 million will be used for the purchase of digital radio equipment and transport vehicles for volunteer firefighting units in the city, as the existing radios are outdated and it is no longer possible to provide service or spare parts for them. Prague will also provide CZK 700,000 to purchase spare parts for individual breathing apparatus units for volunteer firefighters.

“The work of the Prague firefighters, whose department is currently celebrating 170 years of existence, is extremely valued by the city,” said the Mayor of Prague, Bohuslav Svoboda. “I hope that the allocated funds, which are intended for spare parts for the breathing apparatus of volunteer firefighters, will contribute to their safety during interventions.” 

Another CZK 6.5 million will be used for the construction of the operational management system for floods, which uses forecasting and warning systems to predict the development of flows along certain streams that have an impact on flooding in the city. This system will provide forecast map outputs showing the extent, possible depth and velocity of flooding at specific times, based on the rainfall-runoff model. Combined with the city’s Digital Flood Plan, this will allow the acceleration and refinement of decision-making processes when responding to flood situations in the city.

“We do not underestimate flood prevention measures, and the approved funds are proof of that. These days we are commemorating ten years since the floods that affected Bohemia, including the city of Prague. Recently, a flood prevention exercise was held in Prague. The safety of the residents of the city is a priority for us,” added Svoboda.

Furthermore, the city plans to invest CZK 2 million for the construction of Municipal Information Systems (local radio stations), especially in the peripheral parts of Prague. Another CZK 1.83 million will be invested in wells, which could be used as a source of drinking or service water in the event that the central water supply fails during large-scale crisis situations. The money will be used for the replacement of cover plates, the installation of lockable hatches, and the purchase of pumps.

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