A minibus will be running around the Central Cemetery. Photo credit: Z. Kolarik, Brno City Municipality.
Brno, Oct 26 (BD) – The day for remembrance of the dead, All Souls Day, popularly known in the Czech Republic as Dušičky, falls on Wednesday, 2 November. Cemeteries are therefore expecting that the bereaved will visit cemeteries in advance of the national holiday on 28 October and the following weekend. The opening hours of Brno cemeteries are extended on these days. In addition, a minibus will be running around the Central Cemetery.
From 28 October to 2 November, the Central and Židenice Cemeteries will open from 7am to 7pm. The other suburban cemeteries will also open from 7am to 7pm, but until 4 November.
In order to preserve the piety, peace and safety of visitors, the Brno Cemetery Administration will restrict the entry of visitors’ vehicles to their facilities from 7am to 4pm from Friday to Wednesday, with vehicles required to leave by 4:30pm. This restriction also applies to vehicles of visitors with TP, ZTP, and ZTP/P ID cards.
Due to the autumn holidays, Brno Transport Company (DPMB) services will run according to holiday timetables on Wednesday and Thursday, 26-27 October. On the public holiday on 28 October routes will follow the weekend timetables. During the week of 31 October, the frequency of services will return to normal. DPMB will dispatch higher capacity vehicles to the Central Cemetery.
From Friday 28 October to Wednesday 2 November, visitors can get around the Central Cemetery easier with a special free minibus service. It will be possible to get on or off even outside the stops marked on the available map. The minibus will run from 9am to 6pm at intervals of 20 minutes.

During the holiday season, police officers will increase their patrols at the cemetery.
There are still a large number of unmaintained graves in Brno’s public cemeteries. The Brno Cemetery Administration is therefore urging relatives visiting grave sites to put them in proper condition on the occasion of All Souls Day, and then maintain them, as is required by law.