Heightened Risk of Wildfires In The Czech Republic

The fire risk will intensify even more this week and remain unfavourable for the following week as well, when all the factors that increase the risk of fires will come together: high air temperature, wind and soil drought. The greatest risk is in Central Bohemia. Photo credit: FireRisk

Czech Republic, 13 May (BD) –  Air temperatures have been rising this week, and reached their peak on Wednesday and Thursday of over 25°C, before cooling slightly to about 20-22°C. Night temperatures were mostly between 10-15°C. These high temperatures alone were already starting to increase the fire risk. According to the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute’s forecast for the next nine days, the temperature in the Czech republic will remain high, with next Monday and Friday reaching over 25°C.

Soil drought is also playing an important role in heightening the risk of fires. According to the worst case scenario, the drought will deepen in both layers, from 40 cm to 100 cm. In just 10 days up to 90% of the Czech Republic’s soil will have reduced moisture, with either mild or serious drought in 70% of the territory and exceptional or extreme in 20%. 

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