Brno Woman Tries To Sell Lost Dog To Original Owner

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Over the weekend, a 23-year-old woman was intercepted by police after attempting to sell a lost dog to its owner. Photo credit: Freepik

Brno, Jan 17 (BD) – On Saturday around 12pm, Brno City Police received a call from a 38-year-old woman who had lost her dog. She had been contacted by an acquaintance, who had seen a dog advertised for sale on a major Czech internet portal matching exactly the appearance of her lost Yorkshire Terrier. The advertiser was trying to sell the three-year-old dog for CZK 7,000. The owner therefore responded to the announcement, and went to the seller’s residence together with officers from the city police. 

The police instructed the woman to ring the doorbell while they waited on the mezzanine, in order not to alert the seller to their presence. As soon as the door opened, the dog ran out to greet its owner, and the officers asked the woman to present the dog’s documents and explain the situation. At the same time, an animal service patrol was called to the scene to verify the animal’s chip with a reader, which confirmed that the dog’s owner was a 38-year-old woman. The police warned the younger woman that she was under reasonable suspicion of a misdemeanor, and that the case would be handed over to administrative proceedings.

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