In Brief: Almost 750,000 Foreigners Employed In Czech Republic

According to the latest data from the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO), at the end of 2020, the number of foreigners employed in the Czech Republic reached nearly 750,000. Photo: ZM / Brno Daily.

Czech Rep, Dec 17 (BD) – Both the number of foreign employees (644,164) and the number of foreign holders of a trade license (97,803) increased year-on-year in 2020, despite the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, CZSO said in its report published this week.

Number of foreign employees and freelancers between 2006-2020. Source: CZSO.

In 2021, there were 741,967 foreigners working in the Czech Republic, making up 14.2% of the total workforce in the national economy. Most foreigners were reported to work in the manufacturing industry.

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