OnStage Project: Music As a Social Glue In Urban Space

On November 11th and 12th, the OnStage project is taking place in Brno, with the aim of promoting music as a social glue to counter social exclusion and create a more cohesive community. Credit: Freepik.

Brno, Nov 12 (BD) – Yesterday and today, representatives of the Czech-Slovak OnStage – Music Schools For Social Change initiative are in Brno.

The project promotes a new method of music teaching for children and young people at risk of social exclusion, and therefore aims to promote social inclusion in urban spaces.

The project is promoted by several cities: Brno, Plzeň, Neratovice, Nitra, Bánská Bystrica, Lučenec and Trenčín, and the group music teaching method is widespread in the Czech Republic. The leading city of the network is Brno, which is organizing the program for the third consecutive year.

“Thanks to the OnStage project, for several years we have been able to organize music programs in Brno which actively involve socially disadvantaged children in society. The project has found a place in our city, despite the very difficult conditions caused by the pandemic. I am glad that we can pass on our experience to other Czech and Slovak cities and I firmly hope that the meeting will inspire and motivate the participating cities,” said Marek Fišer, Brno Councilor for Culture.

The meeting today is being held at the Merhautova Elementary School, while yesterday’s meeting was held at the primary school on náměstí 28. října.

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