From March 1st to 21st, movement between districts of the Czech Republic is prohibited. However, the districts of Brno-město and Brno-venkov will be considered as one district for the purposes of this restriction, meaning it is possible to move between the Brno-venkov and Brno-město districts for work, shopping, walking, or sports. Photo Credit: NS / BD.
Brno, Mar 1 (BD) – Due to the rapidly deteriorating epidemiological situation, the Czech government has declared a state of emergency to last until March 28th. Anti-epidemic measures have been tightened to curb the spread of coronavirus in the Czech Republic, including school closures, planned obligatory testing in companies and restrictions on freedom of movement.
For an initial period of three weeks from the beginning of March, travel is banned between districts. Residents are limited to walking and jogging during the day in the municipality where they live. Essential shopping can only be done within the home district, and those walking their dogs at night must do so within 500m of their residence.
People who need to travel outside of their district to visit a healthcare facility or public authority must present an official form or written declaration stating the time and destination of their appointment. People travelling for work purposes will need a document from their employer stating the employee’s place of work and place of residence. Further information about movement between districts can be found here (in English).

The government granted the Ministry of Interior power to amend the ban on travel between districts where the restriction does not make sense. An exception was made for the Brno-venkov and Brno-město districts; because these two districts are closely interconnected, they will be considered as one district for the purposes of this measure.
It is therefore possible to go between the Brno-venkov and Brno-město districts for work, shopping and to visit a doctor or public authority. Road controls may still be in operation within the districts. Leisure activities are limited to the territory of a municipality, therefore Brno residents can only go for a walk or play sports within the city of Brno.
Residents of the Brno-střed district can collect a pack of ten surgical masks for free from the district gatehouse at Dominikánská 2, which is open everyday between 8am and 6pm. Masks can also be collected from the gatehouse at Měnínská 4 on weekdays. The district is prepared to hand out 30,000 veils and are able to provide more if there is more interest.
‘‘Although there is a need to wear a respirator in places designated by government regulations, there are still quite a few places where it is sufficient to use medical face masks. We would like to mitigate the effects of the regulation on our citizens at least a little in this way,’’ explained Kateřina Dobešová, spokesperson of the Brno City district office.