Despite the state of emergency and epidemiological situation, stores in the Czech Republic are allowed to open on the morning...
Year: 2020
While fairly warm temperatures are due over the beginning of the week, with occasional rain, a cold front will pass...
Four major European national train carriers are offering an alternative to air travel, an industry that has been hit hard...
Flights from the United Kingdom to the Czech Republic are suspended as of midday on Monday, due to a new...
Data from the third quarter of 2020 showed some initial signs of economic recovery, mostly due to an easing of...
The sellers who would normally have a stand on Zelny Trh have turned to an online solution. Markets have been...
The statistical office of the European Union has cooperated with statistical authorities in the EU Member States to develop the...
The 2021 budget, which South Moravian Governor Jan Grolich called a ‘‘survival game’’, has been approved by the regional assembly....
Despite the current restrictions, the Czech folk rock band Čechomor will be engaging with fans at an event in Náměstí...
As of December 17th, the road layout has changed on Žabovřeská. Fanderlíkova and the service road used by those driving...
A newly-wed couple left their bag unattended while posing for wedding photos. An opportunistic thief passing by quickly snatched the...
A group of scientists led by geographers and landscape ecologists from Mendel University in Brno are looking for 70 villages...