Teacher during the lesson with the kids

Teachers’ Salaries Continue to Rise in Czech Republic

In keeping with the trend of the last few years, teacher’s salaries are continuing to rise in the Czech Republic. In 2019, teachers in regional education earned an average of 15% more than in 2018. Pay differences between teachers are mostly dictated by age, region, and number of years in the profession. Photo credit: Freepik / For illustrative purposes.

Czech Rep., Dec. 29 (BD) – In 2019, teachers at kindergartens, primary, secondary and higher vocational schools received an average gross monthly salary of CZK 39,656, according to new figures from the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO). Compared with the previous year, this is an increase of more than CZK 5,000, 9% above the average wage in the country. However, when compared to those with a university degree, teachers earn only 71% of the average wage.

In 2019, teachers in regional education earned 15% more than in 2018, as a gross monthly average, confirming the trend of the last few years. Since 2012, teachers’ wages have risen by more than 50%, from CZK 25,700 to almost CZK 40,000.

“Teachers’ wages in regional education grew more slowly between 2013 and 2017 than the average wage growth for all employees. By 2019, on the other hand, the increase was more dynamic for teachers’ salaries. Nevertheless, teachers take on average CZK 9,000 less than other university-educated employees in terms of salary,” explained Alena Hykyšová from the CZSO’s Department of Education, Health Care, Culture and Social Security Statistics.

At the same time, salaries of secondary school teachers were normally higher than kindergarten teachers. Age – and the related metric of number of years in the profession – are also relevant to teachers’ salaries; teachers under 35 received an average of CZK 34,600 in 2019, while their over-55 colleagues earned around CZK 8,000 more. Moreover, primary school teachers in the age category of 55 and over were the greatest beneficiaries of wage growth between 2012 and 2019. By contrast, teachers in kindergartens under 34 saw their salaries grow the least, 

Pay gaps are also clear between different regions of the Czech Republic. In 2019, Prague registered the highest average wage for teachers, at CZK 42,800. Zlín and Olomouc rank the lowest, with salaries averaging CZK 38,000. However, in Prague, teachers are not as well paid relatively, earning only 93% of the gross average wage for the city.

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