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Small Child Fatally Injured By Car in Brno-Obřany

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A child was fatally injured after being hit by a car in Obřany, shortly before noon on Monday, as first reported by online news site Brnensky Denik. The tragic incident is now being investigated by police. Photo credit: Freepik / For illustrative purposes.

Brno, May 4 (BD) – The incident occurred around 11am, on Wágnerova in Obřany, when an SUV collided with a small child.

According to Czech media, the emergency services were called immediately, and tried to revive the victim, but unfortunately the child died at the scene. 

The circumstances of the tragic incident are unclear at the moment. Police are investigating the case. According to a report from Brnensky Denik, the driver of the car experienced a mental breakdown. 

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