The City of Brno’s Social Care Department is appealing to the public for donations of face-masks and other useful equipment and materials. In photo: Emergency Medical Service of the South Moravian Region (ZZS JMK), mobile unit at-home testing for Covid-19, credit: ZZS JMK.
Brno, Mar 18 (BD) – If you have access to a sewing machine and fabric to spare, and you would like to help protect the most vulnerable in the city against the spread of coronavirus, the City of Brno is waiting to hear from you!
The municipality’s Social Care Department is operating a 24-hour donation drop-off point for face-masks and other kinds of protective facial covering, at Koliště 19.
The masks will be distributed firstly to where they are required in the field of social care, such as homes for the elderly and outreach workers, and then to district authorities, healthcare facilities and transport companies.
If you are in a position to offer any other assistance, such as donating spare fabric for face-masks, or contributing your time or any free space on your property, call 542 173 773 between 8am and 3pm to speak to municipal staff. Outside of those hours, you can send an email to
The system of recruitment and coordination of volunteers is being managed by Masaryk University (Read more in our article: “How You Can Help: Masaryk University Opens Crisis Operations Centre For Volunteers“)