Brno to Provide Apartments For Ukrainian Nurses at St. Anne’s Hospital

The long-term problem of a lack of nurses at St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno will be partially solved by accepting the offer from the Ministry of Health and its “Ukraine” program. Five nurses and their children will come to Brno in August. However, accommodation facilities at the hospital do not have sufficient capacity. The hospital is receiving help from the city, which is offering shared accommodation apartments. Photo credit: Zenon Moreau

Brno, Jul. 31 (BD) — The city currently owns and manages 21 shared accommodation apartments. The city will renovate several apartments in the centre for the hospital.

“St. Anne’s University Hospital will rent four flats from the city (two with three rooms and two with five rooms) on Kobližná. They will thus join the Traumatology Hospital, the University Hospital Brno and the Hospital of the Merciful Brothers, who already offer shared accommodation to their nurses as a perk of the job. The rent in these flats is currently CZK 59.86 / m2 / month,” said the Deputy Mayor for Housing and Property Management, Oliver Pospíšil.

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