Forty-three percent of Czechs believe that the current situation in the country is better than before the 1989 fall of...
Andrej Babis’s ANO are leading in polling intentions for the next Czech general election with 38.5% of the vote, according...
A survey by the Kantar CZ agency for Czech TV, published yesterday, found that 22% of people are satisfied with...
72% of respondents do not expect a peace deal in Ukraine in the next year. Credit: Freepik. Prague, Dec 28...
ANO, led by ex-PM Andrej Babis, has risen slightly since the July poll, while both ODS and the Pirates have...
Currently, 55% of Czechs trust Pavel and 38% do not. Credit: Prague, Oct 19 (CTK) – Of the top...
One third of the population expects their economic situation to worsen in the next year. Credit: KK / BD. Prague,...
67% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the Czech Republic’s NATO membership. Credit: Freepik. Prague, Sept 19 (CTK) – Two-thirds of...
The survey is part of an IOM project on displacement called the Displacement Tracking Matrix. Credit: JMK. Prague, Aug 22 (CTK)...
The share of people who agree with EU membership is the same as two years ago, at 66%. Photo credit:...
Overall, the proportion of Czechs with negative views of foreigners living in the Czech Republic is the lowest in 20...
The CVVM poll found all national political institutions with negative trust ratings among the Czech public, especially the Chamber of...