Spectacular Evacuation Exercise Carried Out At Grand Prix Building in Brno-Kohoutovice

Fire trucks in the proximity of the Grand Prix building, as the evacuation exercise takes place under heavy rain. Credit: Jakub Hruška.

Brno, 3 Nov (BD) – Yesterday morning, 3 November, the Grand Prix building in Brno-Kohoutovice was the scene of a comprehensive evacuation exercise involving fire trucks, artificial smoke and volunteers being rescued from the inside of the large building. The original plan was to involve a helicopter rescue exercise as well, but this had to be postponed due to the heavy fog and rain which persisted throughout the day.

“We wouldn’t use the helicopter in such weather even in the event of a real alarm, as the pilot would endanger himself and others,” explained Michal Osvald, the operation commander from the South Moravian Fire Service, as reported by Brnensky Denik

Without a helicopter, the exercise focused on the rescue from the inside of the building via the stairs. The artificial smoke was deployed first to simulate a fire. Subsequently, several fire brigades arrived at the base of the building. Here they had the opportunity to test the functionality of their equipment, especially the fire-hoses, which were carried inside the building.

Among the volunteers who took part in the exercise was the Mayor of Kohoutovice, Jakub Hruška. “I confess that I would not wish anyone to experience the real situation,” he said. “All the rooms were so filled with smoke that you could not see anything beyond your hands, and the feeling of safety when the firemen broke in was indescribable.”

Moreover, at the request of the fire department, the mayor has agreed to repeat the exercise with a helicopter at a future date, yet to be determined. Hruška also explained that the Grand Prix is a perfect location for such a training exercise, as it is one of the tallest buildings in the Brno area, yet far away from the crowded city centre and fairly isolated from neighbouring constructions.

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