A captivating mix of comedy, drama and romance: a selection of German-language films will be screened online via DAFilms in...
Originally planned for October, the 61st edition of the BRNO16 festival will now take place online a few weeks from...
The Czech Republic’s Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival (IDFF) has announced its programme for 2020 edition, which will be running...
This weekend’s Serial Killer Festival in Brno was a great success. The murder mystery series had the audience on the...
The Serial Killer festival will bring nail-biting stories of murder and mystery to the big-screen in Brno, with online access...
The 20th annual Film Festival of the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University (FFFIMU) will be held online from May...
Taking place in Brno from 5th-9th February, this year’s festival will have the theme of “freedom”, with a special focus...
The ninth year of the festival brings a selection of the best of contemporary Iranian film to Kino Art and...
On December 8-9th, MittelCinemaFest 2019, the Central European Festival of Italian cinema, returns to Brno for the 7th year. Title...
The 14th edition of the festival of German, Austrian and Swiss films will take place from October 21st to 25th...
During the festival, many visitors attended various screenings, exhibitions, discussions and interesting workshops. Photo: Kino Art / Brno16. Brno, Oct...
Brno played host for the second time to a festival which, although new, has a lot of potential to become...