Milada Horáková, the democratic socialist, anti-fascist, and feminist, who fought her whole life for the cause of freedom and democracy...
The opinion poll, carried out by Kantar CZ, marks a new record low for the Communist Party of Bohemia and...
On Tuesday, the Constitutional Court (Ústavní soud) of the Czech Republic, which sits in Brno, annulled the disputed part of...
The 1966 demonstration was directed against the communist police action dubbed “Longhairs”. Credit: ÚSCTR archives. Brno, Oct 5 (CTK) –...
South-Moravian volunteer association “Together Brno” (Společně Brno) organized a gathering to commemorate those who have lost their lives, in remembrance...
Fremr convicted 172 people of emigration in 124 separate cases between 1983 and 1985. Credit: Freepik. Prague, Aug 14 (CTK)...
Czechs now see the environment as better than before 1989, while they see solidarity among people as worse. Credit: KK/BD....
Multimedia project “Totalita” will transport visitors back in time to show the reality of life in Czechoslovakia during the communist...
A plaque honouring Josef Robotka was unveiled in Alfa Pasaz on Thursday – the first of its kind in Brno....