The event, marking 74 years since the end of World War II, was attended by representatives of the city and...
The “City For Business” report, commissioned by weekly magazine Ekonom and carried out by analysts at Datank, evaluates cities according...
The temperatures reached uncommon lows for this season, hovering around 6 to 9°C below the national average during this period....
The Czech police are investigating a hit-and-run incident, which left the victim seriously injured. Photo: Policie ČR. Brno, May 7...
Country-wide protests happened for the second time in less than two weeks. The demonstrations still show the dissatisfaction with Andrej...
An underground water pipe burst has caused inaccessibility for a part of Bratislavská street. Photo: Street closure on Bratislavská. Credit: Zenon Moreau. Brno,...
The works for upgrading the waiting rooms and spaces in front of the station to provide better facilities at Dolní...
Police were called to an apartment block in Zabovresky by neighbours concerned about one resident’s treatment of his pitbull last...
The investment was included as an exceptional measure in the city budget, to assist with plans to acquire a male...
Brno / CR, May 4 (BD) – A round-up of Czech news headlines from April. Czech Police Investigation Recommends Charging...
The average Czech person consumed 89.2 liters of water per day in 2018. Water from public water supply systems does...
The Czech Republic’s unemployment rate remains at 2%, and has the lowest unemployment rate within the European Union member states....