In figures released by the Czech National Bank, inflation in June exceeds forecasts and shows significant increases in food and...
The city’s architecture office “KAM” (Kancelář Architekta Města Brna) recently presented a draft of 150 changes to Brno’s land use...
According to the newest Eurostat data regarding the first quarter of 2019, Czech Republic has the second fastest growing property...
The survey conducted at the end of 2018 by Brno Expat Centre shows insight about the foreign residents of the...
9 out of 10 non-EU citizens have a job in the Czech Republic’s region “Stredni Morava” [Central Moravia] that comprises...
The dedicated tombstones will be honouring Emil Paleček, and Ivan Ruller – both who are originally from the city of...
The British singer has cancelled his concert this coming Friday, due to health concerns. Sting’s scheduled concerts in Germany and...
Over the years, the theater and the park surrounding the area has suffered many damages. Recently, the City of Brno...
The city has started reconstructing the area behind the Centrum building near Malinovského Náměstí. Photo credit: Zenon Moreau. Brno, Jul...
Recently, Brno City Council approved for a new cycle path to be built, in order to connect three of Brno’s...
The Czech National Bank acknowledged that forged banknotes are circulating in Brno and other cities in Moravia. They gave detailed...
This year, Brno throws its hat in the ring by bidding to earn the title of this year’s European Capital...