Credit: Ctibor Bachraty/Balet NdB

NdB: Experience Can Be the Best Holiday Present

Dan Dactu’s “Mountain Call” at Janacek Theatre. Credit: NdB.

Brno, Dec. 5 (BD) – What are the best presents? Clothes? A book? Chocolate? Flowers? A candle straight from a Christmas market stall? All of these could be the perfect present for someone.

But many people prefer experiences. Get the right experience for your loved one and you create a memory that will last much longer than clothes or flowers.

Fortunately, Brno is blessed with a packed schedule of performances, including ballet, opera and English-subtitled plays. And that is just the Brno National Theatre (NdB), which runs three of the city’s most famous theatres: the Janacek Theatre, the Mahen Theatre, and Theatre Reduta. There are also many other offerings throughout the city.

Plus, if you purchase a pair of theatre tickets for a loved one, you might be their +1. Nice!

For a more comprehensive experience, there are multiple-performance packages available. Click here for more information. Note that this information is not on the English site; go to the Czech site and use a translation program to see the text in English.

There are many performances that are sold out in December, but the rest of the winter and early spring offers a plethora of options. Click here for the full schedule and ticket information, in English.

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