Credit: MMB

Mendel Trail Follows In The Footsteps of Gregor Mendel, The Father Of Genetics

A new 17-stop self-guided tour, following the events of Gregor Johann Mendel’s life in Brno, has opened to the public today. The so-called “Mendel Trail” is one of several projects unveiled this year commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of the world-famous scientist. Photo credit: M. Schmerkova, Brno City Municipality.

Brno, 27 April (BD) – “Today, as we celebrate International DNA Day, we have also taken another step in Brno connected with the Father of Genetics. In cooperation with the Moravian Museum, we have opened the Mendel Trail, which tells visitors about not only GJ Mendel’s life in Brno, but also of his experiments with plant hybrids, in which he revealed the laws of heredity,” said the Mayor of Brno, Markéta Vaňková (ODS).

The opening of the trail is just one of the events commemorating 200 years since Mendel’s birth. One of the highlights of the celebrations will be the Mendel Festival, and you can find a complete list on the website

“From today, anyone who is interested can walk around the city and stop at 16 panels that show the life and activities of the scientist, banker, beekeeper, abbot, GJ Mendel, who is inextricably linked with Brno. That is why the city contributed CZK 600,000 to the creation of this trail,” said Deputy Mayor Tomáš Koláčný (Piráti).

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The Mendel Trail begins at Biskupský dvůr and continues to sites including the New Town Hall and the Augustinian monastery, where Mendel conducted his experiments and observations. The trail includes a total of 16 information panels in 17 locations. 

You can also find more information on the website of the Moravian Museum .

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