Credit: SS/BD

Temperate Weather Expected For This Coming Easter Weekend

This weekend will be quite warm, providing an opportunity for the people of Brno to enjoy Easter with a boat trip on the Brno Dam. Photo credit: Sefora S. / Brno Daily

Brno, April 12 (BD) – Temperatures for the weekend will range between 11 and 18 degrees, with a lot of sunshine. This temperate weather will be an opportunity for people to enjoy a boat trip on the Brno Dam, especially on Saturday.

Last Saturday, the Brno Transport Company opened the 76th boat season on the Brno Dam. This season will last until 30 October. At 10:45am on Saturday, the first boat set sail on its scheduled voyage.

Last year’s season broke records in the history of the Brno Dam, with nearly 290,900 passengers.

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