Zeman’s former aides from Prague Castle will help him run the new office. Photo credit: Jiří Ovčáček, via Facebook. Prague,...
Security checks for all visitors entering the outdoor premises of Prague Castle were introduced in the summer of 2016. Photo...
The meeting took place to mark International Roma Day, which fell on 8 April. Photo: Petr Pavel via Facebook. Prague,...
The protest began outside the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Photo credit: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, via Facebook. Prague,...
Prague Castle premises have now been thoroughly checked for security by the relevant state institutions. Photo credit: ZM / Brno...
He said he wants to continue visiting the regions, open Prague Castle to the public, and return transparent communication to...
The Presidential Office is trying to economise at the presidential seats of Prague Castle and the Lany manor. Credit: Zenon...