Urns containing the remains of Vera and Milan Kundera have returned from Paris to the writer’s hometown of Brno. On...
Franz Kafka, the centennial of whose death occurred this year, was not much of a traveller. Except for a few...
From tomorrow, 23 April, a collection of unique documents about the history of Moravian book culture will go on display...
Following the Prague Spring and the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, Brno-born author Milan Kundera set to work on...
The author’s library is housed in the Moravian Library on Kounicova. Photo credit: ZM / Brno Daily. Brno, April 1...
Poet and author of numerous collections of poetry, including poems for children, Jan Skácel’s work will be commemorated in thematic...
Bohumil Hrabal is often counted among the greatest Czech authors of the 20th century, and is one of Brno’s most...
The results are in! The winners of the 2021 Brno Short Story Writing Contest have been announced, with the first...
Freedom of the press has suffered worldwide due to the pandemic, and the journalistic profession is fully or partially restricted...
Sometimes writers take the long way around. Prague writer Andrew Giarelli did just that with his new literary thriller The...
An English version of ‘‘Carpathian Games’’ by Czech scout and naturalist Miloslav Nevrlý has been released online. The book, cherished...
A new book by Czech former World Championship rower Daniela Nachazelova is a collection of 14 personal stories of world-renowned...