Thanks to support from the struggling city company Brno Trade Fairs, which manages the Brno Exhibition Centre, the large-capacity vaccination...
New vaccines being brought into play, a decrease in new COVID-19 cases, and a lack of capacity in crematoriums. After...
Registration for vaccination against Covid-19 will open in mid-January for Czech residents above 80 years and to all residents in...
The Ministry of Health has introduced version 2.0 of the anti-epidemic system (PES), with an adjustment of one indicator used...
With the recent peak in the spread of the coronavirus in the Czech Republic, South Moravian hospitals are suffering from...
The vaccination strategy of the Czech Republic will be implemented in three phases between now and June 2022. The first...
Most shops and services will close as part of the tightening of the measures, and the night curfew will apply...
Around 10,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine will be delivered to the Czech Republic over the holidays. The first deliveries...
In an effort to improve our collective understanding of Covid-19, transforming evidence into policy and practice, researchers from all fields...
Recent data from Eurostat revealed the excess mortality rate in Europe this year, i.e. the increase in deaths compared to...
The extension is due to the continuing deterioration of the epidemiological situation. A request for a longer extension was made,...
According to the Czech Minister of Health Jan Blatný, some 5.5 million Czechs will be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the...