Reptile experts at Brno Zoo have recently successfully bred two reptile species for the first time. In spring, two baby...
A trio of water buffalos was released last week in the Central Reservoir of the Nová Mlýna Water Works, to...
In the last four years, botanists from Brno’s Masaryk University (MUNI), in cooperation with more than 250 scientists from most...
Conservationists categorise many species in the Czech Republic as invasive, Tomas Gorner, of the Czech Nature Conservation Agency, told CTK,...
The Mendel University Agricultural School in Žabčice (ŠZP) is starting to use an automated sensor system on its mowing equipment,...
According to research by the Faculty of Operational Economics of the Mendel University in Brno (PEF MENDELU), most of the...
Three of the originally planned four Przewalski’s horses departed from the military airport in Prague’s Kbely district to Kazakhstan at...
According to researchers from Masaryk University (MUNI), air quality in Brno and the South Moravian region is improving, though still...
A severely endangered species of fish, Bowman’s rainbowfish (Melanotaenia bowmani), native to a small part of the island of New...
After decades of absence, moose have reappeared in the Czech part of the Krkonose Mountains. Krkonose National Park (KRNAP) spokesman...
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg today dismissed as unsubstantiated a lawsuit brought by six Portuguese students...
Scientists from the Mendel University Faculty of Forestry and Woodwork (LDF MENDELU) have discovered an alarming presence of pesticide substances...