On Wednesday, Brno’s Kino Art will once again begin its annual showcase of the best contemporary short films. Photo credit:...
The night is themed ‘all senses’, and will take visitors on an educational and sensory journey. Photo Credit: nocvedcu.cz. Brno,...
The event, organised by the Brno Association of Club Music (BACH) will involve 13 Brno clubs and 60 artists from...
The participants of the “Open Source: Driving the European Digital Decade” conference. Photo Credit: MUNI Brno, Sept. 22 (BD) –...
The event will be reserved for a symbolic 1,200 people. Photo Credit: JMK Brno, Sept. 21 (BD) – On Friday...
“Mountain Call” is one of three presentations that will explore humanity through contemporary ballet this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Photo...
Tropical Butterflies: MENDELU Botanical Garden’s Indian Summer Festival To Exhibit 1,300 Chrysalises
The butterfly exhibition will run from Friday 16 September to Sunday 2 October. Photo Credit: MENDEL Brno, Sept. 16 (BD)...
This October, Brno will once again welcome the best in contemporary short film. Photo Credit: BRNO16 International Film Festival. Brno,...
The popular festival for adults and children is now in its seventh year. Photo Credit: divadlopolarka.cz. Brno, Sept. 15 (BD)...
The benefit “Concert for Brno” will take place this Saturday at 8pm. Proceeds will go to the purchase of an...
Othello explores class, race, and cultural differences and prejudice in society. Credit: Patrik Borecký / NdB Brno, Sep 12 (BD)...
Overview: Práh Jižní Morava will call for public awareness and confrontation of mental health issues in October. Photo: Freepik. Brno,...