A 17-year-old foreign national was “caught silver-handed” by the Municipal Police at 3:30am on Saturday. Photo credit: MP Brno. Brno,...
JoinedApril 28, 2017
Brno Daily - English News and Events in Brno.
The Word Press Photo winning project “The March of the Great White Bear” depicts polar bears in artificial habitats, including...
“Na Kaménkách” in Černovice will become the new home to thousands of people within ten years. Brno City Council approved...
Brno’s official Housing Strategy lists Západní brána [“Western Gate”] in Starý Lískovec among nine development sites suitable for the construction...
Bad luck for all concerned: a man slapped another man who wanted to pet his dog, right in front of...
The City of Brno has been involved in a long proprietary dispute in the “za Lužánkami” area (Ponava) with entrepreneur...
Goose on the String Theatre in Brno will stage the first English friendly show from Archa Theater in Prague on...
The City of Brno will invest in revitalizing the surroundings of the Lower Station (Dolní nádraží). Visualisation: MMB // KAM....
When you make a cross-border payment in Euros, your bank will no longer be able to charge you more than...
Visitors to Brno Zoo will see several new species in the coming months. Photo: Arctic fox. Credit: Brno Zoo. Brno,...
Today’s heavy snowfall made travelling complicated across the South Moravian Region. Photo credit: HZS JmK. Brno, Jan 8 (BD) – ...
Today, Monty Python fans in Brno celebrated the 8th International Silly Walks Day with… what else!? A silly walk! Photo credit: Casadei Graphics....