Jozef Sikela. Credit:

Government Confirms Nomination of Jozef Sikela As Czech EU Commissioner

The government confirmed the nomination of Industry and Trade Minister Jozef Sikela (STAN) as the Czech EU Commissioner at its meeting yesterday, according to CTK sources.

The Chamber of Deputies European affairs committee discussed his nomination yesterday morning, which was a condition for formal confirmation by the cabinet.

Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) will now officially present the proposal to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

In late July, von der Leyen asked EU governments to submit the names of two candidates, a woman and a man, for the post of EU Commissioner by 30 August. However, the Czech cabinet had already decided to propose only one. The junior government STAN originally nominated two candidates, proposing MEP Danuse Nerudova (STAN) in addition to Sikela.

Fiala has expressed the view that Sikela has all the prerequisites to succeed in the approval processes, and for the Czech Republic to obtain the portfolio it considers important. However, the PM also acknowledged yesterday that all EU countries were interested in the key economic portfolios. The results of the commission formation process should be known in mid-September, he added.

According to Fiala, Sikela has experience in both the executive and the business world, which is an advantage.

At the lower house committee, Sikela outlined his vision of his future activities in the European Commission. In addition to supporting businesses and the development of cheap, low-emission energy sources, he also spoke about energy security, modernising energy infrastructure, better connection of member states to use available electricity across Europe, and about the development of research and production of strategic technologies.

So far, 18 countries from the EU-27 have nominated a candidate for the Commission. Six women (including Von der Leyen) and 12 men have been nominated.

Neighbouring Slovakia has again proposed its long-serving EC Vice-President Maros Sefcovic, while Poland’s candidate is Piotr Serafin, head of the Polish permanent representation to the EU. Austria has nominated Finance Minister Magnus Brunner. One well-known figure is former Estonian PM Kaja Kallas, who has won support from EU presidents and prime ministers to be the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs. In this capacity, she would also be a vice-president of the Commission.

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