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ANO Maintains Slim Polling Lead Over Spolu Going Into Last Week of EP Election Campaign

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The opposition ANO would win the elections to the European Parliament (EP) with 23.1% of the vote, followed by the ruling Spolu coalition (the Civic Democrats (ODS), Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) and TOP 09) on 21.5%, according to a May poll by STEM for CNN Prima News TV.

Both would get six seats in the EP each.

The European elections take place in the Czech Republic this coming weekend, on 7-8 June.

According to the poll, the Mayors and Independents (STAN) would come third with 10.3%, followed by far-right opposition party Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) with Tricolour on 9.5%, the Pirates on 9.4%, and the Stacilo! coalition led by the Communists (KSCM) on 8.1%.

The alliance of Prisaha and the single-issue motorist party would take 4.7%, just failing to win any seats.

The Social Democrats (SOCDEM), the Party of Free Citizens, the Green Party and Jindrich Rajchl’s anti-system disinformationist party PRO would all finish below 3% and receive no seats.

According to STEM director Martin Buchtik, ANO is partly fighting for the votes of SPD voters. “We can say that to some extent SPD’s success would be to the detriment of ANO,” he told CNN Prima News.

In the Spolu coalition, there is a noticeable overlap between the parties, according to Buchtik. In addition, a large number of people are hesitating between Spolu and STAN, he said.

ANO would occupy six of the Czech Republic’s allocation of 21 seats in the EP, the same as Spolu. Three seats would go to STAN, and two seats each to SPD/Tricolour, the Pirates and Stacilo!

The STEM survey was carried out on 22-26 May among 1,623 Czechs aged 18 and over. The model was based on a voter turnout of 35%.

STEM’s May election model for the European elections:

Social Democracy2.9
Source: CNN Prima News
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