In Brno, there are two sites for blood donation: the Brno University Hospital in Bohunice and St. Anne’s University Hospital. Photo credit: St. Anne’s University Hospital.
Brno, Apr 15 (BD) – Do you donate blood regularly or are you just deciding to do so for the first time? The City of Brno’s Department of Health is motivating Brno residents to give generously this year through a municipal Donor Prize competition, “4.5 dl for life”, with over CZK 50,000 worth of sports vouchers up for grabs. Whether you are donating for the first or fifth time before the end of August this year, the chances of winning are equal.
The prizes include 90 vouchers for the services of Starez-Sport municipal sports facilities worth CZK 500, and 10 specially designed for first-time donors for CZK 1,000. “The main purpose of our motivational event is to encourage existing donors and to support potential donors who have so far hesitated in their decision to donate blood,” said the organisers from the municipal Department of Health, on the competition website.

The event is intended for everyone who donates blood or any blood components between 1 January and 31 August 31, 2023. In Brno, there are two sites for blood donation: the Brno University Hospital in Bohunice and St. Anne’s University Hospital. Everyone who registers their subscription in the form will enter a draw, with the winners to be chosen in the second half of September.
Participants in the competition must be over 18, and either citizens or permanent residents of the Czech Republic. Of course, anyone else is also welcome to donate blood, even if they don’t qualify for the competition, but they must have valid health insurance.