Marketa Pekarova Adamova. Credit: PSP

President Pavel’s Representative Will Join Czech Political Delegation to Taiwan

In Taiwan, Pekarova Adamova will meet President Tsai Ing-wen and address the parliament. Photo credit: Poslanecka snemovna parlamentu.

Prague, March 20 (CTK) – Otakar Foltyn, from the Presidential Office military section, will join the Chamber of Deputies delegation to Taiwan, according to delegation leader Marketa Pekarova Adamova (TOP 09), speaking to journalists yesterday.

Pekarova Adamova is the chair of the Chamber of Deputies, and will be accompanied on the visit to South Korea and Taiwan by around 150 people, including 100 representatives of Czech businesses.

She said a place on the trip had been offered to a representative of Pavel’s team, who would gain direct information from the journey. The choice of who else to send as part of the delegation was up to Pavel himself, she added.

The delegation leaves today for South Korea. On Sunday, it will move to Taiwan, before returning to the Czech Republic on 30 March.

In Taiwan, Pekarova Adamova will meet President Tsai Ing-wen and address the parliament.

In South Korea, she will open a business forum and take part in the opening of the Czech honorary consulate in Busan.

In Taipei, Pekarova Adamova will launch the operation of a Czech hub as a place of cooperation of businesspeople and will also focus on cooperation regarding semiconductors. “We know pretty well from our reality how it is if there is a shortage of these,” she said.

Along with political affairs, she also wants to discuss the import of some pharmaceutical products which are lacking in the Czech Republic.

“This is the biggest business delegation from the Czech Republic over the past five years,” Pekarova Adamova said.

Pavel Divis, from the Czech-Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce, said there was a strong interest in the Czech Republic in Taiwan, which helps businesses when looking for opportunities on its market.

Present on the delegation will be the coalition parties’ parliamentary group chairs Marek Benda (ODS) and Marek Vyborny (KDU-CSL), the chairs of the foreign and security committees, Marek Zenisek (TOP 09) and Pavel Zacek (ODS), STAN deputy Ondrej Lochman, and deputy Ivan Jac from the opposition ANO, who will represent the Research Institute of Textile Machines in Liberec.

The journey will not include the opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) or the Pirates.

Pekarova Adamova said she had no intention of inviting SPD lawmakers, and in the case of the Pirates, there was the problem that only very few of them are in the Chamber of Deputies.

China views Taiwan as its province and threatens military intervention if it declares independence.

In early February, the Chinese Foreign Ministry protested against Pekarova Adamova’s planned visit and called on the Czech Republic to cancel it. Pekarova Adamova said she expected this reaction, but would not change her plan.

She said yesterday she had not received any other warning or been contacted personally by Chinese representatives.

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