At the beginning of the week, Brno police officers made an unusual discovery after responding to a call. In the grass at the railway viaduct on Maříkova, they found a rare animal one wouldn’t expect to find there: a species of land turtle. Photo credit: Brno City Police
Brno, 14 May (BD) – The city police officers placed the small animal in a transport box and took it to the shelter. As the turtle didn’t have a chip, staff were unable to locate its owner, so it was sent to a specialist. “The animal looks completely healthy and is in excellent condition,” explained zoologist Zajíček. “This is an adult male yellow-brown land tortoise, of the species Testudo graeca. The age of this specific turtle is more than 10 years, but it can easily live for several decades.”
Brno-Žebětín also surprised the police with its exotic wildlife, as officers found a Quaker parrot, originally from South America, in one of the area’s garages. There was no clear indication where it had flown in, or who its owner was. Again, the police took the bird to a shelter in a transport box. After an unsuccessful search for the owner of the animal, the parrot was transported to the Bird Centre to receive further care.