In Brief: 1,561 Refugees Checked In At The Brno Assistance Center On Tuesday

Yesterday, 8 March, more than 1,561 refugees were registered at the assistance center in Brno, with 1,851 visas issued. Photo credit: JMK.

Brno, March 9 (BD) – In the 24 hours up to 5pm yesterday, 1,561 refugees were checked in at the refugee assistance center at the Brno Exhibition Centre, and approximately 1,851 visas were issued.

In total, 7,134 refugees have been registered and 1,247 have been accommodated since the opening of the center.

There are currently about 100 beds available in the centre for refugees who need to stay overnight. A doctor from the University Hospital is also present at the site from 7am to 7pm.

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