Vladivojna La Chia is an artist, composer, and visual artist. In September her latest solo album “Tam v hluboké tmě tepe a září” was released. The album will be launched on October 12th in Brno. Credit: Eliška Šárková.
Brno, Oct 8 (BD) – Vladivojna La Chia is a Czech composer, lyricist and visual artist. Her latest album, ““Tam v hluboké tmě tepe a září” (“It beats and glows, there in the deep darkness”) was released in September and will be presented in October in Prague, Brno and Ostrava.
The new album presents particularly intimate and erotic sounds, both in the melodies and in the lyrics full of suggestive references and double meanings. These aspects give the album a very different frame from that of her previous works.
The sounds were influenced by the locations where the artist wrote the six songs.
The artist’s house and the medieval cellar of the Stone Bell House inspired La Chia, giving the album its characteristic mystical, erotic, dark and introspective atmosphere.

“Eroticism has crept into my new record, the mysticism comes from the gothic cellars. It’s more of a night album for me. The intimacy of night and solitude gives you a lot of space to focus. You don’t need that much,” she said.
A peculiarity of the album is that in addition to the electronic sounds, other sounds were used during the recording process: kitchen knives, cups, brushes, Tibetan bells, Venus balls and a hundred-year-old guitar helped to create the spiritual atmosphere with which the album is imbued.
The album will be released in digital format and also in a limited edition on vinyl.
The album cover will also be presented in two versions: one minimalist, and one containing Vladivojna’s erotic drypoint prints.
The release party will take place in Brno, Kabinet Múz, on October 12th. The album will be presented in the second part of the evening with the artist’s current band Tepe a září, while during the first part of the evening she will play acoustic songs with her long-time cellist bandmate Terezie Vodička Kovalová.
More info can be found on La Chia’s official website or her Facebook page.