Man Arrested In Connection With Robberies of Senior Citizens

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A 44-year-old man was arrested on Friday at Znojmo bus station, on suspicion of committing four robberies, all of them against senior citizens.  Following the most recent robbery on August 10th, detectives were able to establish that the man was on his way to Znojmo to visit relatives. Photo Credit: Policie ČR / Video.      

Brno, Aug 16 (BD) – A 44-year-old man was arrested on Friday in connection with four robberies committed through July and August in Brno. The victims in the bag-snatching attacks were senior citizens between 76 and 88 years old, who were left with cuts, bruises, broken fingers, and psychological damage.

The man attacked twice in Brno-Komín, once in Starý Lískovec, and once in Královo Pole. The victims had a total of CZK 10,000 in cash stolen, as well as documents, payment cards, and keys. 

Credit: Policie ČR.

After the most recent robbery on August 10th, detectives established that the man was on his way to Znojmo to see relatives. Police were waiting for him at the bus station in Znojmo, and he was arrested and taken into custody for questioning. He now faces up to ten years in prison for robbery. 

The man told police that, due to his prior criminal record, he was unable to find work and had to steal in order to buy food. He also said he had to target weaker victims due to his own poor physical condition. Aside from robbery, he is accused of several other crimes including counterfeiting, and driving a motor vehicle without a license.

Investigators believe that the man may have committed other similar crimes that were not reported, and are asking citizens to report any such incidents via hotline 158.

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