An architectural competition to redesign the main entrance of the Brno Central Cemetery was launched on Monday. The closing date for submissions is September 13th, and the winner will then be chosen by a jury. Photo Credit: Marie Schmerková / MMB.
Brno, June 16 (BD) – In January, Brno City Council approved plans for an architecture and urban planning competition to design a new structure for the main entrance of the Brno Central Cemetery. The competition has been organised by the Brno City Architect’s Office, in cooperation with the city’s Cemeteries Administration.
“The subject of the competition is the design of the main entrance to the Brno Central Cemetery, the reconstruction of one of the administrative buildings, the redesign of the adjacent public space in the cemetery and in front of the entrance on Vídeňská, including public transport stops, as well as the location and appearance of buildings along the boundary wall,” stated First Deputy Mayor of Brno Petr Hladík (KDU-CSL).

Map: The area of the main entrance to the Brno Central Cemetery. Credit: Courtesy of MMB.
Brno City Council approved the competition on January 20th. The jury will be composed of local government representatives, the administrator of the cemetery, the Brno City Architect’s Office, the National Monuments Institute, architects, and experts in different fields. The jury approved the competition conditions and the assignment of the competition, which were also submitted to the Czech Chamber of Architects (ČKA) to assess their compliance with its competition rules.
The competition was launched on Monday with announcements published in the Czech Public Procurement Bulletin and in the Official Journal of the European Union. It will be possible to submit proposals in paper and digital form until September 13th, and the jury’s evaluation is provisionally set for September 23-24th. The City of Brno is bound by the opinion of the jury in the selection of the proposal and, according to the announced conditions, should make the selection decision within 90 days of its opinion being issued.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”376″ gal_title=”Brno Central Cemetery”]Photos: Brno Central Cemetery. Credit: Marie Schmerková / MMB.