The lower house ratified the agreement with the support of 115 out of 144 MPs present. Credit: Freepik. Prague, July...
The last Czech-Polish intergovernmental consultation (pictured) took place in Prague last June. Credit: Prague, July 20 (CTK) – Czech...
The number of available apartments has been dropping over the last six months. Credit: Freepik. Brno, July 19 (BD) –...
President Pavel’s office received the threatening information early on Tuesday morning. Credit: Petr Pavel, via Facebook. Prague, July 19 (CTK)...
At least 50,000 people are expected to receive food aid during the three-year project. Credit: Freepik. Ricany, July 18 (CTK)...
Firefighters rescued 12 people and sent a psychologist to the scene. Credit: HZS Jihomoravského kraje, via Twitter. Brno, July 18...
Saturday was the hottest day of the year in the country so far, with a high risk of fire declared....
Zhytomyr was the first Ukrainian city that decided to completely phase out fossil energy sources by 2050. Photo credit: NESEHNUTÍ....
The share of people who agree with EU membership is the same as two years ago, at 66%. Photo credit:...
80% of the foreign nationals were citizens of non-EU countries, mainly Ukraine, Vietnam and Russia. Credit: KK / BD. Prague,...
The warning is related to the current meteorological situation, the lack of rainfall and an increase in the number of...
Photo: Relics of the last building from the village of Hřibová, Jeseník district. Credit: MENDELU. Brno, July 12 (BD) –...